Mingxing Academy
Academies are a different system of education from schools. The history of academies dates back to Tang Dynasty. Song and Yuan Dynasties were the peak periods of academies. In 1733, the emperor order to have academies built; so Taiwan’s academies increased at that time.
Mingxing Academy is one of the biggest three in Nantou County. There was one around the Sun Moon Lake area, however, it no longer exists.
Generally, a public building that’s a historic site will not be at its original location. Buildings that are more than one hundred years old are usually relocated or rebuilt. This is true in Mingxing Academy’s case.
明新書院在清光緒八年(1882) 由總理陳長江首倡初建於柴橋頭,光緒十一年(1885)遷至現在的集集農會對面街市,光緒帝賜頒「掌握文衡」匾額,以「書院」為名,實際上是「義學」的功能;「書院」和「義學」的區別在於:「書院」為準備科舉的預備學校,「義學」係以收容貧困學童為主,教授內容也僅止於啟蒙,與專門研討理學,學習經史詞章,以及應付科舉考試的「書院」是不同的。
The original Minxing Academy was built in 1882 next to the Chai bridge. In 1885, it was relocated towards the center of town. It was named an academy, however, it really was serving as a “charity school.” The difference between an academy and a charity school is that an academy prepares the students for imperial exams. On the other hand, a “charity school” educates the less wealthy, and only teaches the basics.
集集明新書院 --中文導覽解說