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Mingxing Academy


集集明新書院 Mingxing Academy     




Academies are a different system of education from schools. The history of academies dates back to Tang Dynasty. Song and Yuan Dynasties were the peak periods of academies. In 1733, the emperor order to have academies built; so Taiwan’s academies increased at that time.



Mingxing Academy is one of the biggest three in Nantou County. There was one around the Sun Moon Lake area, however, it no longer exists.

Generally, a public building that’s a historic site will not be at its original location. Buildings that are more than one hundred years old are usually relocated or rebuilt. This is true in Mingxing Academy’s case.


明新書院在清光緒八年(1882) 由總理陳長江首倡初建於柴橋頭,光緒十一年(1885)遷至現在的集集農會對面街市,光緒帝賜頒「掌握文衡」匾額,以「書院」為名,實際上是「義學」的功能;「書院」和「義學」的區別在於:「書院」為準備科舉的預備學校,「義學」係以收容貧困學童為主,教授內容也僅止於啟蒙,與專門研討理學,學習經史詞章,以及應付科舉考試的「書院」是不同的。

The original Minxing Academy was built in 1882 next to the Chai bridge. In 1885, it was relocated towards the center of town. It was named an academy, however, it really was serving as a “charity school.” The difference between an academy and a charity school is that an academy prepares the students for imperial exams. On the other hand, a “charity school” educates the less wealthy, and only teaches the basics.



集集明新書院        --中文導覽解說






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Jiji Common Gods’ Temple

集集大眾爺廟 Jiji Common Gods’ Temple  



In 1684, the Qing Dynasty claimed Taiwan as a territory without plans of developing. The Qing rulers also forbade the workers and official to bring their families to Taiwan. However, life along the shores of Fujian was hard, and many crossed the strait despite the harsh rules in hope of a better life. Many of these unmarried men had no families to claim them after their passing, the locals buried them and worshipped them. This is how the Common Gods’ Temple came about.


Also at the beginning of Qing’s ruling, many officials took advantage of the general public, causing riots and oppositions. Many people died from the conflicts. They were also buried by the locals and became the Common Gods.

When the Jiji Common God’s Temple was built can’t be established. However, what differs it from other Common God’s Temple is that it is related to some famous riot events. 



集集大眾爺廟                         --中文導覽解說

Jiji Common Gods’ Temple      --英文導覽解說








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Jiji Military Park 


集集軍史公園 Jiji Military Park  



The military park is more than 2000 ping in size. It was originally the location for a public park in Jiji. However, after the 921 earthquake, the central government gave Jiji Township funding to construct it into a military history park for tourism.


陸軍:75山砲、105榴彈砲、M-48A3戰車、M-41戰車、M-18 驅逐砲車;海軍:LVT-P5登陸艇、「陽字號」驅逐艦9吋38倍艦砲、「陽字號」驅逐艦海錨、「陽字號」驅逐艦通訊桅桿;空軍:F-104星式戰鬥機、C-119運輸機、40防空炮車、勝利女神飛彈。

The park was completed in 2002. In the park, there are many military weaponry on display.

They are: LVT P-5 landing craft, a Knox Class gun, an anchor, a mast, 75mm mountain guns, 105 Howitzer, M448 A3, M-41 and M18 tracks, F-104 Starfighter, C119 Flying Boxcar, 40 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, and Nike missile. It is the only location with a great variety of weaponry on display in Taiwan.



Jiji was lucky to be given the chance to construct the Military History Park. It shows evidence of Taiwan’s weaponry development after World War I and II. Even though it doesn’t cover all of them, it already has a good representation.



集集軍史公園      --中文導覽解說


Jiji Military Park  --英文導覽解說




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Jiji Wuchang Temple


集集武昌宮 Jiji Wuchang Templ  




武昌宮的三尊「上帝公」神像,是由湖北武當山的「南岩宮」分靈直降,供奉在前八張里里長蔡振枝先生家裡;民國79年蔡振枝里長有感於玄天上帝「上帝公」的靈威,開始募款籌建廟宇,善心人士黃朝瓞(音跌)老先生捐獻470坪的土地建廟;民國80年開始動工建廟,經過8年『邊建邊募款』耗資約新台幣7000餘萬, 迄88年3月21日主體結構完工,「玄天上帝」入火安座,同年9月21日發生大地震而傾塌。  

The gods of Wuchang Temple were from Hubei Wudangshan. They were placed in the house of Mr. Tsai. In 1990, Mr. Tsai started raising funds to build a temple for the gods. The construction began in 1991, and was completed in March 1999, eight years later. However, the 921 earthquake the same year damaged the structure and toppled the temple.













Why visit Wuchang Temple?

It is not a historic site.

The management made the collapsed temple a monument for the earthquake.

It is now an educational and tourist attraction.



集集武昌宮                --中文導覽解說


Jiji Wuchang Temple   --英文導覽解說







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Green Tunnel








In 1940, the Japanese government commissioned for the locals to plant camphor trees alongside the road in Jiji and Ershuei to commemorate the 2600th year of Japan. The government provided the saplings, each family had to plant 1 to 3 trees. The families are responsible for their own trees, and would have to replace them if they died.


Jiji’s main way out before 1771 was through Ailiao. During the dry season, people used the shore of the Zhuoshuei River, and during the wet season, people had to go through the hills. It slowly formed a road. The Japanese rulers built roads for roadsters, stretching it from Mingjian to Puli. The roadster rails were taken out after the railway’s completion in 1922. In 1931, the road between Mingjian to Shueili was built to be 3 to 5 meters wide. In 1974, the road was broadened to 12 meters wide.





In 1984, the Directorate General of Highways cut down about 106 43-year-old camphor trees. Only the trees between Ailiao and Ershuei were kept. In 1991, a new route 16 was built, cutting down the traffic on the old road. The old camphor trees formed green tunnels, making it a popular spot for tourists. The green tunnel is as long as 4.5km.



集集綠色隧道       --中文導覽解說


Jiji Green Tunnel --英文導覽解說



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Jiji Train Station





In 1893, the train started working between Taipei and Xingchu, a station was built in Yangmei. In 1929, the station was being relocated, and the building was moved to Jiji.



  1. 全檜木建築。
  2. 建築型式:「木造平家切妻洋小屋」─中譯「木構造、懸山式屋頂、歐式木桁架一樓建築」。 
  3. 日據時期建築法規定:公共建築跨度超過5公尺需用歐式桁架為屋頂,集集車站跨度為6.52公尺。  
  4. 日據時期建築需保留3.6-4公尺的「亭子腳」─騎樓迴廊,但並非所有木造車站都如此設計

Characteristics of Jiji Train Station

  1. Built entirely with cypress.
  2.  A one floor, wooden structure with a western wooden truss design.
  3.  According to Japanese building codes: public buildings wider than 5m has to utilize the European wooden truss style for the roof. The width of Jiji Train Station is 6.52m.
  4. All buildings built during the Japanese ruling period had to leave an arcade 3.6-4 meters. However, not all wooden structured stations were built with an arcade. 



集集火車站          --中文導覽解說


Jiji Train Station  --英文導覽解說




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集集火車站 Jiji Train Station

集集綠色隧道 Green Tunnel 

集集軍史公園 Military Park 

集集大眾爺廟 Jiji Common Gods’ Temple

集集武昌宮 Wuchang Templ

集集明新書院 Mingxing Academy






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