

Jiji Wuchang Temple


集集武昌宮 Jiji Wuchang Templ  




武昌宮的三尊「上帝公」神像,是由湖北武當山的「南岩宮」分靈直降,供奉在前八張里里長蔡振枝先生家裡;民國79年蔡振枝里長有感於玄天上帝「上帝公」的靈威,開始募款籌建廟宇,善心人士黃朝瓞(音跌)老先生捐獻470坪的土地建廟;民國80年開始動工建廟,經過8年『邊建邊募款』耗資約新台幣7000餘萬, 迄88年3月21日主體結構完工,「玄天上帝」入火安座,同年9月21日發生大地震而傾塌。  

The gods of Wuchang Temple were from Hubei Wudangshan. They were placed in the house of Mr. Tsai. In 1990, Mr. Tsai started raising funds to build a temple for the gods. The construction began in 1991, and was completed in March 1999, eight years later. However, the 921 earthquake the same year damaged the structure and toppled the temple.













Why visit Wuchang Temple?

It is not a historic site.

The management made the collapsed temple a monument for the earthquake.

It is now an educational and tourist attraction.



集集武昌宮                --中文導覽解說


Jiji Wuchang Temple   --英文導覽解說







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